PC Fixing Near Me

Rising Prices and PC Fixing Near Me

In the past decade the cost for repairing a computer has almost doubled.  There are many factors that contribute to this issue.  Anywhere from taxes to increased cost of labor can affect prices for PC Fixing Near Me.  Learn what factors might want to keep you away from certain computer repair shops to avoid price hikes.  Also learn how labor and other computer repair shop fees are affected by certain factors.

PC Fixing Near Me and Cost of Parts

15 years ago, the cost for a battery was $20 retail, today the average battery costs $60.  It is this drastic change in computer part prices that has adversely affected computer repair costs.  During the COVID pandemic, solid state drives nearly doubled in price.  It was extremely difficult to explain to clients why the prices at places for PC fixing near me skyrocketed.  As a matter of fact, graphics cards went from a $200 price tag to a whopping $1,000!  In most cases, clients were understanding but there were instances in which clients lashed out at computer technicians, claiming that they were “taking advantage” of the pandemic situation.  Unfortunately, price increases have been unavoidable in the past 4 years since the pandemic.  The good news?  The prices of parts have decreased and stabilized in the previous year and prices can be brought back down.  The bad news?  Not all shops for PC fixing near me are bringing their prices down, even though the cost of parts has decreased.  It’s always best that you shop around before committing to a single computer repair quote.

PC Fixing Near Me and Labor Cost

10 years ago, the average computer technician made $15 an hour.  These days, the average PC technician makes approximately $20 an hour.  This accounts for the labor fee increase at most shops for PC fixing near me.  However, is the increase in labor fees at computer repair shops necessary?  One could argue that the fee for labor has almost doubled from $25 an hour to $40 an hour (sometimes more).  If the average hourly rate for computer technicians has only increased by $5, why is the shop’s hourly rate so high?  When you pay an hourly rate at a computer repair shop, you aren’t just paying for the cost to pay the computer technician.  You are also paying for costly supplies, rent, utilities and the cost to pay the computer technician even when there are no clients to assist.  The cost of all of these has increased drastically, especially in Colorado Springs in the previous 5 years.  The cost of living, which includes rent and utilities, has skyrocketed since marijuana was legalized in 2012.   Rent for apartments and homes has nearly doubled since 2012, causing many shops for PC fixing near me to shut down, unable to afford the increased rent.

PC Fixing Near Me and Shipping Cost

Another contributor to the increased cost of PC fixing near me is the increasing cost of shipping.  10 years ago, you could ship a power supply for $10-$20.  Today, the cost for shipping a power supply is $30-$50.  These numbers are most certainly considered when determining the cost of computer repair.  In most computer repairs, the size of parts is small to medium, rarely large.  This means that the price of the computer repair is not impacted very much by the cost of shipping.  In other words, the larger the part for the computer repair, the larger the cost.  This is why when somebody commissions the building of a computer, they are charged nearly $200 just in shipping fees.  You can avoid these shipping fees and save your money buy shopping at local shops for PC fixing near me that buy in bulk and won’t charge you shipping fees.

PC Fixing Near Me and Storage Cost

Computer repair shops that keep a ton of parts and computers on-hand for their clients typically pay storage costs.  The storage cost is almost always figured into the cost of every computer repair.  In other words, you pay more for a computer repair when a company must pay storage to have parts conveniently available to you.  Shops for PC fixing near me that do not pay storage fees will almost always have lower computer repair prices.  How do you know the difference?  Call local shops for PC fixing near me and ask about their computer prices.  Once you’ve called a couple of shops, compare the pricing, and see if there is a difference.  Something else to consider is the cost of rent for a computer repair shop.  In most cases, computer repair shops pay about the same price for rent.  However, there are smaller mom and pop shops that pay a lot less and this contributes to their lower prices.  It’s definitely worth calling around and investigating the prices for local shops of PC fixing near me.

PC Fixing Near Me and Taxes

Taxes don’t typically increase significantly to impact computer repair costs.  With that said, the size of a business greatly impacts how much taxes are paid locally and federally.  A smaller sized business might get certain tax breaks, and this could impact prices for PC fixing near me.  On the other hand, a larger shop for PC fixing near me might not see tax breaks and may need to charge more for computer repairs.  Since there is minimal impact of taxes to a computer repair shop’s prices, I would not take this factor into consideration when choosing a local PC shop for repairs.

PC Fixing Near Me at DML Computer Repair

DML Computer Repair is the best PC fixing near me.  They offer affordable prices, reliable computer technicians, and rush services.  If you need PC fixing near me, call, text, or email DML Computer Repair for the best computer service in town.  As a computer technician at DML, I’d be thrilled if you asked for me “David”!   I’m the Master Computer Technician, with decades of experience, and eager to assist you with all your PC fixing near me.

Author Information

David Baker

Master Computer Repair Technician | Gaming PC Builder | Custom Computer Expert| Data Recovery Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. ~Dav