Computer Repair Shops Secrets

Computer Repair Shops Secrets

Have you ever wondered why your computers are constantly breaking, while everyone else’s seem to last forever.  This blog is written by computer techs at the best computer repair shops Colorado Springs.  In fact, your computers could last 10 times longer just by following these 8 simple secrets of computer repair shops in Colorado Springs.  DML Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO is responsible for all the secrets in this blog.  Enjoy!

Computer Repair Shops Secrets #1:  Overheating NEVER Again

According to the best computer repair shops Colorado Springs, every 1-5 years a computer will begin overheating for no apparent reason.  However, there is a reason!  The best computer repair shops in Colorado Springs know that if you perform simple maintenance every year, this could add years of life to your computer.  Unfortunately, this maintenance isn’t as simple as “dusting out” your computer.  On the contrary, the computer needs to be opened by any of the best computer repair shops in Colorado Springs and the thermal paste needs to be changed.  For those of us who aren’t tech savvy, thermal paste (aka thermal compound) is a paste that is placed on your motherboard to help keep your computer cool.  The problem with this paste is that it dries over time and should be replaced every year or so.  In other words, the best computer repair shops perform this maintenance on their own computers.  As a matter of fact, DML Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO replaces their computers every 10 years!  Can you imagine owning a laptop for that long?  Changing the thermal paste every year can contribute to a long-lasting computer.

Computer Repair Shops Secrets #2:  NEVER a Slow Computer

There are many problems that can cause a slow computer.  In most cases, this can be attributed to startup programs or programs that automatically start with your computer.  Even though your computer has awesome computing power, it is still limited by technology.  For example, most good computers for 2024 can have 20 programs starting up.  Unfortunately, most people have 25 programs starting when their computer first turns on.  This can cause a computer to be slower than it was intended by its creators.  In other words, although your computer can handle 20 items starting, it’s prudent to minimize this number for the best computer speeds.  If you open your task manager, then go to startup items to disable all the items that don’t need to automatically start with your computer.  As a matter of fact, this secret can save your computer from using unnecessary resources, thereby saving some of your computer’s life.  This secret will also save you from visiting computer repair shops in Colorado Springs for a slow computer. 

Computer Repair Shops Secrets #3:  NEVER Again a Dead Battery

Although many batteries can die from age the best computer repair shops have secrets for saving battery life.  First, keep your power settings on “balanced” at all times.  It’s ok to dim the computer’s lighting but don’t run your computer on high power settings constantly.  This is just a waste of resources.  Second, do not use a cooling pad under your laptop; this can affect the life of the battery.  Third, don’t leave your laptop outside in extremely cold or hot weather.  For example, leaving your laptop in your car in subzero temperatures.  According to the best computer repair shops, not only is this bad for your battery, but it can also kill your laptop’s other parts as well.  Any computer repair shops in Colorado Springs can tell you that severe temperatures are not good for electronics in general.

Computer Repair Shops Secrets #4:  NEVER Having A Freezing Computer

There are many reasons for a computer to freeze.  In fact, there are as many reasons for freezing computers as there are for slow computers.  The most common reason for a freezing computer is a failing hard drive.  This fact is both true for mechanical hard drives as it is for solid state drives.  It is one of the first indications that a hard drive is having issues.  The best computer repair shops will typically recommend a hard drive replacement with freezing computer issues.  More specifically, the best computer repair shops Colorado Springs will recommend solid state drives.  Sadly, mechanical hard drives are a technology of the past, “dinosaur tech”.  Although mechanical hard drives make data recovery easier than their solid-state counterparts, they contribute more to slowness and freezing than SSDs.  This is why the best computer repair shops recommend solid state drives over mechanical drives, the difference in speed is amazing.

Computer Repair Shops Secrets #5:  No Dead Computers

Do you know why the best computer repair shops don’t own dead computers?  First of all, computers aren’t left in vehicles, garages, or storage units.  At computer repair shops, they are kept in cool, dry places, away from the elements.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “I left my computer in my car during the snowstorm and now it won’t start”.   In addition to safe places, the best computer repair shops have “balanced power” on all their computers.  Furthermore, computer repair shops in Colorado Springs change their computer’s thermal compound and hard drives every 12 months.  This minimizes downtime but it also contributes to healthy computers.  In other words, if you’d like a computer to last you a decade, perform the maintenance and take good care of it.

Computer Repair Shops Secrets #6:  No Expensive Computer Repairs

The best computer repair shops and their computer technicians don’t typically need to perform expensive repairs on their computers.  Some of the reason behind this is that they perform the work themselves and when a computer is too expensive to fix, they simply recycle it without repairing it.  In fact, I have seen several computer shops in Colorado Springs teach their PC techs new things to better maintain their own computers.  For example, teaching employees of the best computer repair shops Colorado Springs to disable unwanted startup items when a computer first starts.  This simple act can promote a faster computer, making the computer and employee more efficient.  How does this apply to you?  If you learn how to do new things on your computer, then you can fix a computer yourself.  Sometimes I hear about clients using YouTube channels to learn how to replace a laptop screen.  Other times, it’s as simple as learning how to replace thermal paste.  If you are learning new things about your computer then you are more likely to be able to fix some of the issues, avoiding the best computer repair Colorado Springs CO.

Computer Repair Shops Secrets #7:  No Lost or Stolen Computers EVER

Unfortunately, you can’t always avoid lost or stolen items.  All you can really do is avoid making the mistakes that will lead to a lost or stolen computer.  The best computer repair shops around the world protect their computer with passwords.  DML Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO, one of the best computer repair shops in Colorado Springs changes their passwords every 30 days.  In both cases, computer data is protected and computers with passwords don’t look enticing to thieves.  In some of the best computer repair shops, you’ll also find special wired locks for laptops, to prevent someone from picking it up and walking away with it.  These wired locks, typically coated with plastic or rubber can be found at many reputable computer repair shops in Colorado Springs.  We don’t expect you to get fancy like many computer repair shops; however, there are affordable alternatives for the average Joe.

Computer Repair Shops Secrets #8:  Hand-Me-Down Computers Are Awesome

The best computer repair shops in Colorado Springs donate their computers to local causes after they have been used for about 5 years.  If you get one of these computers, then you can expect the computer to last an additional 5 years.  This is due primarily to the fact that the best computer repair shops perform regular maintenance and PC repairs on their company computers.  If you take care of your computers, like the best computer repair shops, then you can expect to be able to give your computer to others.  For example, giving your older computer to your child, after purchasing a new computer.

Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO

If you need a shop for computer repair Colorado Springs CO, then contact DML Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO, the best computer tech near me.  DML Computer Repair has the most reliable computer technicians, offering free PC diagnosis and rush PC repair services.  DML Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO can repair your computer quickly and offers the best computer tech near me.  DML Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO is the best choice to seek advice for computer upgrades and it’s free!

Author Information

David Baker

DML Computer Repair Technician | Data Recovery Expert | PC Builder | Custom Computer Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote:  “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.  ~Dav