PC Temperature Monitoring

Why is PC temperature monitoring important? Most people do not realize that computer temperature can fluctuate with the age, performance and general health of a computer.  Furthermore, it has long been a misconception that gaming laptops and gaming computers are the only PCs that need temperature monitoring.  Although gaming laptops are notorious for overheating issues, they…

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Computer Repair Technicians in Colorado Springs

The best computer repair technicians in Colorado Springs: Trust DML for reliable service!

What can computer repair technicians do? Most PC technicians only work on computers and computer systems.  For the most part PC techs only repair desktops and laptops.  Occasionally, computer techs will perform repairs outside the purview of their job description.  However, most computer techs will not perform work other than laptops and desktops. What can computer repair technicians NOT do? PC techs are…

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Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day theme with a message about giving your computer care and maintenance.

5 signs that your computer needs love This Valentine’s Day love your computer by giving it the proper computer maintenance and computer repair.  Here are some signs that your computer needs added attention this Valentine’s Day. Sign #1:  Your computer is slow, computer is freezing or your computer takes a long time to restart If your computer is…

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How Long Do Solid State Drives Last?

Solid-state drive (SSD) with a question about its lifespan.

What is a solid state Drive? A solid state drive is a data storage device with no moving components.  Comparatively, a mechanical hard drive is a data storage device with moving components.  Although the purpose of this article is not comparing the two, it’s worthing noting that there are significant differences.  For example, solid state…

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Who Fixes Computers Near Me?

Technician repairing a computer with a search for local computer repair services.

People Who Fix Computers Are Called Computer Technicians Are you looking for a person who fixes computers?  These people are called computer technicians.  In fact, there are dozens of names for people who fix computers.  These names include: Computer Technicians Near Me Computer technicians in Colorado Springs fix a variety of computer issues.  If your computer is…

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