PC Fixing Near Me

Tuesday’s Story About PC Fixing Near Me

Tuesday is not just a day of the week; it is also the name of a young lady.  Tuesday is a 22-year-old student at a local college.  She has had a very rough life and has been on her own for most of it. 

About Tuesday and PC Fixing Near Me

I first met Tuesday when she was 13 years old.  She looked much older, which is why I didn’t realize she was so young.  In fact, she was a homeless child that looked almost like an adult.  When Tuesday first approached me, she was on the street begging for money to survive.  I didn’t know this at the time, but she came from a broken home and a difficult life.  Sadly, her parents did not want a child, they called her a “horrible accident”.  The parents constantly kicked her out of the home and told her to never come back.  Obviously, being a child, she tried to go back home repeatedly but was met with the same disdain every time.  One day, I sat and chatted with Tuesday about her situation, and she spoke through painful tears about her life.  It was extremely heartbreaking.  Her parents had never sent her to school, and she had no support system to help her through this.  Fortunately, she had met the right person.  I was only 14 years old at the time, but I called my parents, and they came to the rescue.  My parents reached out to Tuesday’s parents, and they agreed to let Tuesday stay with us temporarily.  As a matter of fact, Tuesday would spend most of the next 9 years with us.

Raising Tuesday and PC Fixing Near Me

Unfortunately, Tuesday’s parents would still not allow her to go to school, as a condition of her staying with us.  In other words, if we sent her to school, she would need to move back home.  I still don’t understand why her parents were so adamant about not schooling their child, but we tried to school her in other ways.  Furthermore, while I was at school, my mom (having been a schoolteacher) would give Tuesday little learning activities and teach her how to read, write and do math.  Additionally, when I came home, I would read to Tuesday and share my hobbies and activities with her.  At the age of 15, I joined an internship program at DML Computer Repair for PC fixing near me.  In fact, I begged the owners to let Tuesday please join.  Fortunately, the owners allowed Tuesday to join me in my internship for PC fixing near me.

Tuesdays Computer Skills and PC Fixing Near Me

At first Tuesday struggled with the internship for PC fixing near me.  She couldn’t read or understand some of the training material.  Thankfully, David, the Master Technician, sat patiently with Tuesday and verbally taught her how things worked.  In no time, Tuesday was practicing PC fixing near me on old computers.  One day, I came into work, about a year after our internship started and Tuesday had begun recycling every old computer in the shop.  In fact, she had piles upon piles of computers, taken apart, ready to recycle.  Additionally, she had done a magnificent job, better than any else had done.  On that day she created a recycling tradition.  Every year the owners of DML Computer Repair invite young interns and students to help recycle all the old computers.  Furthermore, Tuesday is in charge of this event every year.

Tuesday, the Computer Technician and PC Fixing Near Me

Within four years of our internship, Tuesday was training nonstop with the Master Technician, David.  As a matter of fact, he understood her challenges to read and gave her instructions verbally.  Fortunately, David also understood the challenges of reading, having a severe case of dyslexia himself.  In fact, during those 4 years, Tuesday became a very talented computer repair junior technician.  After 4 years of training, she was finally allowed to perform PC fixing near me by herself.  Within another 4 years, Tuesday got her GED and applied to a local college.  Tuesday wanted to get her degree in computer science, to honor those who raised her and taught her.  At the age of 22, Tuesday was accepted at a local college, and she began her studies shortly after.

Tuesday’s New Family and PC Fixing Near Me

Tuesday is not just a sister to me; she is also one of my best friends.  Even though she has moved in with friends, I still call her everyday and stay in touch.  My mom still invites Tuesday to Sunday dinners and special occasions because she is very much a part of our family.  In fact, I look forward to seeing her every Thanksgiving and Christmas like clockwork.  I also see Tuesday at DML Computer Repair on the days that she works with me, and I’m blown away by her progress.  She has become an accomplished computer technician and with her new degree, she will go far in life.  I recently asked her what she wanted to do in life, she said, “I want to run my own business, a computer repair shop.  I’d like to help kids the way DML Computer Repair helped me.”  I find it extremely admirable that Tuesday wants to give back to her community and help others.  It’s a noble cause, which is rare to find in today’s society.

Tuesday and PC Fixing Near Me at DML Computer Repair

Tuesday found the best PC fixing near me at DML Computer Repair.  This is not just a place where Tuesday works, but also her home.  In fact, she has come to love the reliability and affordability of our computer services because she uses them too!  As a matter of fact, when things get difficult with her personal computers, she relies on DML Computer Repair employees to get her computers functional again.  Furthermore, Tuesday appreciates the student discount offered at DML Computer Repair to help students that are struggling financially.  “Every little bit helps”, says Tuesday.  Call, text, or email DML Computer Repair today for your free computer diagnostic.

Author Information

Dominic Garza

Computer Repair Technician | Gaming PC Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote: “Resident Evil is my all-time favorite”. ~Dom