Tips for Employees to Work from Home Securely with DML Computer Repair

Tips for Employees to Work from Home Securely

Millions of Americans work from home, since the mandated COVID lockdowns of 2020.  Since 2020, it has become increasingly important to be vigilante of home office security.  In your quest to secure a home office, let us provide the top safety tips for home offices.

1.  Work from Home Securely by Keeping Your Home Workplace Safe

Secure your home office when you’re finished for the day, just like at a regular job.  Consequently, it’s always possible that your computer could be stolen from your workplace or that someone might compromise it.

2.  Lock Your Router when you work from home

Hackers like to exploit the default passwords which have been programmed into routers because most people don’t change them. Exactly why you should protect yourself at home, by giving your router a unique username and password.

3.  Keep Work devices and Personal Devices Separate

No one really knows if their computer has been corrupted or compromised by a hacker, so keep all devices in different places. This is why, it’s important to separate your work & home devices to minimize the amount of sensitive data that may get exposed.

4.  Encrypt Your Work “from home” Laptop or PC

Encrypted data cannot be read by hackers, provided that they don’t have your password, your pin, or your biometrics.  Additionally, encryption is great for anyone who intercepts data; to activate, all you have to do is turn on BitLocker.

Ensure your PC is protected, consult an experienced Colorado Springs computer repair shop to protect your system against future attacks and remove malicious software.

5.  Keep Your Operating System and Software Up-to-Date while you work from home

There’s no telling how much damage might be done to your machine if your PC is compromised. One of the best ways to prevent cyber attacks is to allow automatic updates to proceed in a timely manner.   As an added note, Microsoft Windows updates are not recommended with Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers.

6.  When You Need a Computer Repair Shop Around You Contact DML Computer Repair

In order to work from home securely with a reliable computer, you might need DML Computer Repair in Colorado Springs, for the very best and fastest service.