Gaming PC Technician Near Me

My Favorite Gaming PC Technician

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Finding a gaming PC technician near me can be extremely tiring.  I’m going to tell you about my gaming PC technician to help you understand what a good gaming PC technician is like.

My Favorite Gaming PC Technician is honest

My gaming PC technician has never lied to me.  At least not that I know of.  A long time ago, he accidentally chipped off a piece of my laptop and he offered to replace it.  He could have easily told me that “it was already like that” or a number of other excuses, but he didn’t.  He was honest and even offered to make things right.  My technician always gives me the diagnostics with complete honesty.  He doesn’t embellish or exaggerate the repairs that need to be done.  In fact, every repair that my computer technician has recommended, has been absolutely necessary.  Nobody likes a liar.  When you find a computer technician that you like, make sure that you leave at the first sign of a lie.  It’s extremely unprofessional and tacky to lie to clients about work that needs to be done. 

My Favorite Gaming PC Technician is Punctual

I once had a gaming PC technician that was constantly late and sometimes, he didn’t show up to work at all.  He opened at 10 but arrived at 1pm half the time.  Some days he didn’t show up to work at all. To make matters worse, his work was also affected.  Anywhere from having my computers ready late, to “forgetting” to order parts for my computers.  It was a complete disaster.  I honestly don’t know how he stayed in business so long.  My new gaming PC technician near me is the complete opposite.  He is at work at 9am everyday and stays open until 6pm every day.  He doesn’t have excuses as to why things are late because he’s always on time.  When he orders parts, they always arrive when he says they will be arriving.  There is the occasional issue with shipping, but it is typically out of his control.  For example, one time I ordered a battery from him, and the vendor sent the wrong battery.  He informed me that he was ordering a new battery and that he would have it ready in 2 days.  In exactly 2 days I got a phone telling me that my computer was ready to be picked up.

My Favorite Gaming PC Technician is Knowledgeable and Educated

Not all gaming PC technicians near me are educated in the IT field.  The IT field is vast, so even if they have an IT degree, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are educated in the field of repairing computers.  I’ve met several technicians that considered themselves “IT professionals” even though they were glorified cable men.  Dealing with a modem and fixing cable, does not qualify those people to fix computers.  As a matter of fact, unless they “tinkered” with computers on their own time, they probably know nothing of computer repairs.  My favorite gaming PC technician has a degree in which he learned how to repair the software and hardware of a computer.  What makes him especially valuable is that he can also diagnose computers with scary accuracy within a very short period of time.  Unfortunately, there is no schooling that can teach you how to diagnose computers, this is learnt with time.  In other words, even if you ask a computer technician about their degrees and certifications, there’s no way to prove that they are truly qualified to work on your computer.  Unfortunately, at that point you just need to trust that your computer technician is competent.  When looking for a gaming computer technician, you should always try to assess their education and experience.  A lack of education can make a terrible technician, almost as bad as a lack of experience.  Most of the best gaming PC technicians have at least 5 years of experience. 

My Favorite Gaming PC Technician is Affordable

There are times in the computer repair world when computer repair is ridiculously expensive.  For the most part, however, computer repair is affordable.  There are many computer technicians that charge for a computer diagnosis when it is completely unnecessary.  There’s always some joker who tries to take advantage of the system by having 3 or 4 computers diagnosed, when they don’t intend to fix any of them.  Those are the people that should be charged.  In the meantime, computer technicians should offer 1 free diagnostic and charge for any beyond that.  My computer technician only charges if he needs to bring in a gaming tester to help assist with a diagnosis.  A gaming tester is a person that plays games on your computer and uses diagnostic software tools to help determine a specific problem.  In most cases, the fee is $60 which is completely reasonable, but some computer technicians charge $100, which is unnecessary.  Another area that gets completely overcharged is parts.  Many computer technicians charge almost double for the computer parts they are selling.  They can make just as much money if they cut their prices in half.  You should always make sure that your computer technician is charging fair prices.  Always ask how much parts and labor will cost you before you approve any work.  If it seems like too much, then you should definitely get a second opinion.

My Favorite Gaming PC Technician is Always Available

It is a lost courtesy to allow your clients to call you 24/7.  My computer technician is one of those guys.  I can call him any time, day or night and he is always available.  He says that he likes to be available for questions and computer emergencies, should they arise.  I’ve always had a gaming PC technician near me that started working at 10am and stopped working at 5pm.  If you had an emergency or a question after hours, you had to wait until the next day to call them.  I don’t think that this is a good way to do business and I recommend that you find yourself a computer technician that is available beyond their business hours.  This truly shows that your computer technician cares about their clients, not just money.

My Favorite Gaming PC Technician can Be Found at DML Computer Repair

My favorite gaming pc technician near me can be found at DML Computer Repair.  They offer fantastic rates and same-day diagnostics, unlike other computer repair shops.  My favorite technician is named David and he always takes his time to do computer repairs properly.  He doesn’t rush through computer repairs, just to get them out of the shop.  David works on repairs with patience and precision.  You won’t find a computer technician like him anywhere else.

Author Information

Dominic Garza

Computer Repair Technician | Gaming PC Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote:  “Resident Evil is my all-time favorite”. ~Dom