How to Avoid Theft at a Computer Repair Shop
Theft can be easily avoided at a computer repair shop. All you need is a good set of instructions on avoiding theft. I’d like to share the instructions I’ve learned from being an employee at a computer repair shop.
Label your Computer’s Power Cable
The biggest mistake that clients make is that they don’t label their computer’s accessories when leaving their PC for computer repair services. For example, the power cable can be easily confused with someone else’s power cable. In this case, your power cable can be accidentally given to another client. In fact, labeling your power cable shows that you’re less likely to lose your power cable to theft or carelessness. Furthermore, you should always write or type your name AND phone number on the cable. If you have a printer, then I would recommend printing an address label to put on your cable.
Label your Desktop or Laptop Computer at a Computer Repair Shop
As mentioned before, labelling your computer is extremely important. As a matter of fact, your computer is less likely to be confused with someone else’s if it has a label. Additionally, your computer is less likely to be stolen if it has your information on it. In some cases, computers are “etched” with the client information, making it less desirable to steal. This would be similar to jewelry engraving. The information of the computer’s owner is engraved onto the base of the computer. Fortunately, some computers, such as certain Alienware computers, offer the option to engrave your name on the bottom.
Remove Sensitive Data from your Computer
Do you have sensitive pictures on your computer? What about IRS forms with your social security number on them? Before taking your computer to a computer repair shop, you should remove this sensitive data. In most cases, you can temporarily place your data on an external hard drive until you get your computer back. You should not leave your computer at a computer repair shop if it has sensitive data on it. Although a local computer repair shop will probably respect your privacy, it’s not a perfect industry. Data leaks can occur.
Do Not Leave Cases or Accessories at a Computer Repair Shop
I know clients who like to leave their laptop case “with” the computer, but this places a huge burden on the computer repair shop. In fact, leaving a laptop case at a computer repair shop will just ensure that it gets misplaced or stolen. At DML Computer Repair we do not allow clients to leave their laptop cases, because misplacing them is such a risk. In addition, most people don’t have their laptop case labeled, which means we need to remember what it looks like and who it belongs to. When you have a room full of 100 computers, remembering the details for one computer is extremely difficult.
Remove all DVDs and USBs from your Laptop or Desktop
DVDs are a thing of the past, but many computers still have DVD players. In most cases, the computer technician will check your DVD player for a CD or DVD. However, if they don’t, then be sure to check yourself and avoid a lost CD. Fortunately, most people use USB drives these days and those are easy to spot. I wouldn’t be surprised if the computer technician sees a USB and returns it to you on the spot. In fact, a computer repair shop doesn’t usually like to keep accessories or extra computer items. The primary reason is because something could get lost, and most computer stores try to avoid that.
Request a Claim Ticket at a Computer Repair Shop
Unfortunately, not all PC repair shops provide you with proof that they have your computer. In fact, most PC repair shops that do provide a paper, don’t provide an itemized list of what you left there. I prefer to do business with PC repair shops that provide me with an itemized list and proof that I left my hardware with them. If I leave my computer in someone’s care, then I expect to have a piece of paper to show for it. Sadly, an older computer repair shop won’t provide proof because computer repair systems can be expensive. However, if they really want your business, then they should purchase an updated computer system that provides proof (such as a claim ticketing system).
Do not Leave Printers or Scanners
Most PC repair shops will watch your computer and cables very closely. However, when it comes to printers and scanners, they are a bit more relaxed. Since most PC repair shops don’t work on printers officially, they don’t watch these as closely. As a matter of fact, some PC repair shops state in their disclaimer that they are responsible for all items left at their shop except for printers.
Sign Out of all Your Personal Email and Bank Accounts at a Computer Repair Shop
In a world where we want everything made easier, our bank account and email accounts sign in automatically. This is a huge mistake. First of all, bank accounts should never be set up to sign in automatically. Second, you are opening yourself up to fraudulent activity by leaving your bank account signed in. Third, you should never trust anyone with your bank account information. If you are signed in to your bank account and email account, be sure to sign them out completely or reset your browser before repairs.
Request an NDA for Personal Information that is Sensitive
An NDA is a Non-Disclosure Agreement. You can type out a simple NDA or find one online for your computer technician to sign. An NDA can help you feel secure that your data isn’t going to be looked at or leaked to online sources. DML Computer Repair signs NDAs everyday and we are happy to help our clients feel more secure with their data. Additionally, other computer repair places near me are also happy to sign NDAs.
Computer Repair Shop
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Author Information for Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO
De Landres
DML Computer Repair Technician | Data Recovery Expert | Software Expert | PC Articles Author
Author Quote: “Google is your friend, not food”. ~De