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High Temperatures and Laptop Repair Near Me

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We have hit mid-summer and the temperatures have been reaching almost 100 degrees.  These high temperatures can cause damage to your beautifully running laptop.  In this blog I will explain the damage caused by high temperatures and how to avoid damaging your laptop, according to shops that perform laptop repair near me.

High Temperatures and Laptop Repair Near Me:  Leaving your Laptop in your Vehicle

As a computer technician, I’ve had my fair share of dealing with hot laptops.  In most cases, the laptop is overheating on its own because it needs a hardware cleaning.  Occasionally, I do get clients who bring me a scalding hot laptop that was originally just slow. However, after leaving in the car for several hours, it will not turn on.  This is a prime example, of making sure that you never leave your laptop in your car, especially if it is already malfunctioning.  Extreme temperatures, such as heat and cold, can cause a laptop to stop functioning completely.  At that point, your laptop becomes a giant paperweight.  If you are not sure about leaving your laptop in a vehicle, then call a local shop for laptop repair near me for advice.

High Temperatures and Laptop Repair Near Me:  Leaving your Laptop in Your Purse or Backpack

It should go without saying, don’t leave your laptop in a purse or laptop, especially while it is in sleep mode.  “Sleep mode” means that your laptop is still running, it can overheat in enclosed spaces.  For example, a laptop that is in sleep mode has been left in a backpack during a short bike ride can cook the laptop.  In fact, just a 5-minute ride can cause the inside of your computer to begin damaging your computer’s inner components.  The way this happens is that your CPU and GPU begin to overheat and if it is in a container, the heat has nowhere to go but to the other components of the laptop.  This can cause temporary or permanent damage to your computer’s components.  According to laptop repair near me, if you are going to leave a laptop in a bag or purse, make sure that the computer is turned completely off.  Traveling with a laptop inside of a laptop bag is only safe if your laptop is turned off.

High Temperatures and Laptop Repair Near Me:  Working on your Laptop in the Sun

I have heard people say, “I was sitting in the sun working on my laptop and it suddenly stopped working”.  Whether you are getting a tan or trying to soak in some vitamin D, there is no reason for a laptop to be exposed to direct sunlight.  If you need to work on your computer, then make sure that your computer is 100% in the shade.  Look at it this way, while you’re getting a tan, your laptop is exposed to large amounts of heat from the sun’s rays.  This is the same principles as phones.  When they are exposed to extreme temperatures, they will often not allow you perform any actions on them until the phone has reached a safer temperature.  Unfortunately, most laptops don’t have this feature.  In fact, very few laptops will shutdown if the computer is getting dangerously hot.  According to shops for laptop repair near me, exercise extreme caution with your laptop and keep it out of the sun.

High Temperatures and Laptop Repair Near Me:  No Air Conditioner

I know many people who like to keep their air conditioner off in the summer to feel the “natural breeze”.  Although this may seem like a great idea, if you own computers, then you should keep your air conditioner running.  Computer must have a certain environmental temperature to function properly.  If the temperature is too hot or too cold, then they begin to malfunction.  I would recommend always keeping your air conditioner and heater at 70 degrees.  Depending on your heating and a/c unit, this number may need to be adjusted.  Some units run a little hot or a little cold, which means you may need to keep the temperature at 68 or 72 degrees.  Either way, this summer we have reached some extremely high temperatures, requiring most people to run their a/c units.  Don’t let your computers overheat and malfunction, instead let you’re a/c unit run at an acceptable temperature.  You can also call a local laptop repair near me and ask about laptops and what the best temperature is for your laptop.  Gaming laptops tend to run a little hotter than regular laptops and may need an extra temperature adjustment.

High Temperatures and Laptop Repair Near Me:  Could Something Else Be Causing Overheating?

High environmental temperatures are not the only cause of laptops overheating.  As mentioned earlier, if you put your computer in a confined space while it is turned on, this can cause overheating.  Furthermore, a laptop computer that has dry thermal compound can also cause a computer to get hot.  Additionally, putting your laptop on a bed and couch, covering the vents, could also cause a computer to get hot.  You should never work on your laptop on a bed or couch, since this can cover the vents for the internal fans that your laptop has.  Once these vents are covered, the heat begins to cause damage to your laptop’s components.  Within a few minutes your laptop can shut down from overheating and in some cases, won’t turn back on.

High Temperatures and Laptop Repair Near Me:  How to Prevent Overheating your Laptop

The biggest thing you can do for your laptop is to not keep it in confined spaces while it’s turned on.  You should not keep it in a purse or a backpack while it is turned on either.  In fact, people who put their computer to “sleep” tend to have a lower life span for their laptop. Those who completely shut down their laptop tend to have a much longer life span.  I would also refrain from using your laptop in areas of extreme heat such as saunas, outdoors in direct sunlight, near stoves or steaming hot showers.  Additionally, if you have an air conditioner, you should use it this summer.  Be sure to exercise caution with heater vents, because if your laptop is very near a heater vent, it could also cause damage.  If you are not sure about best practices for laptops, then call a local laptop repair near me for advice.

The Best Laptop Repair Near Me

The best laptop repair near me, is DML Computer Repair.  They are efficient, friendly, and affordable compared to other computer repair shops nearby.  DML Computer Repair offers free computer diagnostics and rush services if you’re in a hurry.  Most computer repairs are diagnosed and completed within 24 hours, except where parts are needed.  Call or visit today for your free computer evaluation and the best laptop repair near me.

Author Information

Dominic Garza

Computer Repair Technician | Gaming PC Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote:  “Resident Evil is my all-time favorite”. ~Dom