Laptop Screen Repairs

Are Laptop Screen Repairs Worth It?

It’s a common misconception that broken laptop screens can be REPAIRED.  In fact, a broken laptop screen can only be REPLACED.  In other words, if your laptop screen breaks, then it must be replaced with a new laptop screen.  But is it worth the laptop screen repairs?  Should you replace the laptop screen or cut your losses and get a new computer?  Here’s some information that might help you make that decision. 

Laptop Screen Repairs and How Long They Take

Laptop screen repairs can take a variety of time frames, depending on several factors.  First and foremost, you must consider the amount of time that it takes to ship your new laptop screen.  In fact, most computer repair shops allow 7-10 business days for the shipping of parts.  Second, although a laptop replacement only takes 30-60 minutes, computer repair shops have several other jobs ahead of them.  This means that your laptop could take several days before the screen is actually replaced.  Finally, you want to consider the amount of time that it took for your laptop screen to be diagnosed as “broken”.  Most computer repair shops will want to diagnose your laptop before replacing the screen.  The reason for this is that other laptop parts can break when a screen breaks.  It is important to verify that there are no other broken computer components before proceeding with laptop screen repairs.  All-in-all a screen replacement can take up to 2 weeks from start to finish.

Laptop Screen Repairs and How Much They Cost

The average cost of laptop screens is as vast as the ocean.  In other words, laptop screens can cost anywhere from $80 all the way up to $1,500.  What determines these prices?  These prices are determined by several factors.  The very first thing to look at is the size of your screen.  Laptop screens that are 15.6” are considered “average”.  If your laptop is smaller or larger than this size, then you will likely pay more for the laptop screen.  In fact, 17” screens can cost almost double of their 15.6” counterparts.  You should also consider the “extras” that your screen might have.  For example, some laptop screens have “retina” capabilities, and these screens can get pricey.  Finally, you should consider the age of your laptop, the older the laptop, the cheaper the screen.  Newer laptop screens from 2024 laptops tend to cost about $1,000, while a 10-year-old laptop screen will only cost $180.  Hopefully, when you purchased your computer, you considered how much laptop screen repairs will cost in the future.

Laptop Screen Repairs vs Computer Replacement

In some cases, the cost of the laptop screen repairs is greater than the cost of replacement.  If this occurs, then it is recommended that you buy a new laptop rather than repair the old one.  At the very least, your new laptop will come with a new one-year warranty.  In fact, it is very common for laptop screen repairs to be outrageously expensive.  For example, replacing a laptop screen for a certain gaming computer costs $900, while the laptop itself only costs $800.  In this case, it would be best to simply purchase a new computer.  As a computer repair technician, I always advocate repair vs replacing a computer; but sometimes it’s unavoidable. 

How Laptop Screen Repairs Work

Laptop screen repairs are simple and straightforward for computer repair technicians.  When replacing a laptop screen, there are several methods that can be used.  The most common method from laptop screen replacement is removal, replacement, and testing.  First, the original laptop screen is removed, and the serial number is recorded to order a new screen.  At this point, ordering from a trusted vendor like Screenorama or Brightfocal, is extremely important.  Once you order a new screen, then you can install it carefully.  It’s important to be gentle and not press hard on the screen, to avoid breaking it.  New laptop screens can be extremely delicate during shipping and right before installation.  Finally, you want to power up the computer and make sure the laptop screen repairs have worked.  If the laptop screen repair does not work, then you must start the process all over again.

DIY Laptop Screen Repairs?

I know that it sounds very simple to replace a laptop screen.  However, there are many steps to laptop screen repairs that can be missed and can cause issues.  For example, there are several models of laptops that have wires, webcams, or speakers around the frame of the laptop screen (just underneath the bezel).  These items can be easily broken, ripped or damaged during laptop screen removal.  I always encourage individuals who want to perform their own laptop screen repairs to consult with a computer repair shop first.  In most cases, the computer repair shop can offer guidance and tell you what to avoid during your laptop screen repairs.  If you are lost and need help, then call or visit the awesome computer technicians and DML Computer Repair.

Where Can You Get Laptop Screen Repairs?

Not all computer repair shops can perform laptop screen repairs.  In fact, only computer repair shops that specialize in laptop repairs can replace screens.  I would strongly recommend calling computer repair shops around town and asking if they perform laptop repairs.  There are even some shops who specialize in laptop repairs, like DML Computer Repair.  They offer computer technicians for laptops that specialize in screen replacements.  If you prefer to shop around for a computer store, then be sure to ask a ton of questions about your laptop screen replacement before doing business with them.  Be warned, there are computer repair shops that can completely destroy a computer during a screen replacement.  Make sure that you choose wisely.

Laptop Screen Repairs at DML Computer Repair

DML Computer Repair specializes in laptop repairs.  In fact, they are the leading laptop repair store in Colorado Springs.  DML Computer Repair also has the best computer repair technicians in Colorado Springs.  Additionally, their computer technicians are fast, friendly, and reliable.  Call or visit DML Computer Repair today for your free computer diagnostic.

Author Information

De Landres

DML Computer Repair Technician | Data Recovery Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote:  “Google is your friend, not food”. ~De