Computer Repair Near Me

A Scary Story About Computer Repair Near Me

I love Halloween; it’s my favorite holiday of the year.  You have costumes, fake cemeteries, and scary stories!  Not to mention the trick-or-treating or handing out candy.  I love it all!  This year I would like to celebrate by sharing a scary story about computer repair near me.  Do you believe in scary stories?  This scary story about computer repair near me might make you a believer.

Strange Phone Calls About Computer Repair Near Me

It was the day before Halloween that the strange phone calls began.  At first, it was just someone calling and hanging up the phone.  After a few calls, there was a static voice that couldn’t be understood.  Eventually, there was a phone call that had some static, but it could be understood.  In this case, the young boy asked if someone could fix his computer screen.  He also asked how much it would cost and if we performed house calls.  The computer technician told him that we could fix it and we perform house calls for computer repair near me.  In fact, later that day a computer technician drove to the house and attempted to speak to someone about the repair.  However, the woman who answered the door said that there was no teenager in that house that needed a computer fixed.  The computer technician left the home and went back to work only to receive another phone call.  This time, the young male teenager seemed very angry that they had not found him to fix his computer.  He provided the same address again but before the computer technician could say anything, the boy hung up.  When the computer technician tried to call back, a woman answered the phone and claimed that there was no boy who needed computer repair. 

“The Stranger” and Computer Repair Near Me

Around the same time, a young man appeared at the shop for computer repair near me.  He was well dressed and asked to speak to a computer technician right away.  In fact, he brought his laptop which was completely falling apart.  The computer screen was completely shattered, the hinges were falling off, and the keyboard keys were missing.  When he spoke to the computer technician, he was told that it would take a couple of hours to repair his computer.  His only request was that we call his mom for the computer repair near me.  Additionally, she would be paying for the repairs on the laptop.

“The Strange Laptop” and Computer Repair Near Me

As David, the computer technician, looked at the computer, there was something strange about it.  First, the keys seemed to be “clacking” and moving on their own.  Second, the screen kept flickering, like someone was watching tv in the background.  Of course, this isn’t uncommon, screens will often flicker when they are turned on.  Third, the laptop kept disappearing.  Yes, disappearing.  Several times, the laptop was left in one spot and then would reappear in a completely different spot several minutes later.  At first, we thought it was our imagination but the more frequently it happened, the more we realized that IT WAS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!

“Fixing The Strange Laptop” and Computer Repair Near Me

To make matters worse, repairing the strange laptop proved to be extremely difficult.  In fact, the computer technician tried changing the screen several times but each time, the new screen broke.  After the 2nd screen replacement, we were extremely reluctant to replace any more screens.  However, on the 3rd try, several messages kept popping up on the screen that said, “I’m sorry”.  We could not get the messages to go away, but a screen finally worked without breaking.  Additionally, we had an equal amount of trouble fixing the hinges and keyboard.  They kept breaking over and over again.  Until finally, a computer technician noticed that the keys on the new keyboards were moving.  They kept typing the same letters repeatedly I-a-m-s-o-r-r-y.  Once we realized this was happening, it suddenly stopped.  It’s as if the computer wanted us to know that someone was very sorry about something.  As soon as we realized it was saying I am sorry, whatever was causing this seemed appeased.  At that point, she was extremely grateful for the computer repair near me.

“The Pickup” and Computer Repair Near Me

Once the computer had been repaired, we called the boys mom.  We were hoping that she could shed some light on what happened to the computer.  When she was called, she said, “there is nobody here that ordered a computer repair”.  Of course, we tried explaining to her that her son James had ordered the repair, which is where things got weird.  Apparently, her son, James, had died several months earlier in a car accident.  He had his father’s computer with him, and it was completely destroyed in the accident.  In fact, his mom didn’t have the heart to get the computer fixed after the accident.  She was completely flabbergasted by the idea that her dead son had brought the computer to be repaired.  More importantly, she couldn’t find the computer anywhere while she was on the phone with us.  As a matter of fact, she said that she would get ready and come over to pay for the computer as soon as humanly possible.  When she arrived she seemed frail and exhausted.  She acknowledged the computer that we repaired as being the computer that belonged to her husband.  Furthermore, she broke down into tears when we showed her the messages that said “I’m sorry” repeatedly.

“The Promise” and Computer Repair Near Me

After several minutes of shock, the mom finally spoke.  She said, “I didn’t realize how sorry my boy was that this computer broke.  Additionally, I would have gotten it fixed weeks ago if I had known.  I hope he can rest in peace now”.  She vowed to never let the computer stay broken again.  As a matter of fact, the owner of the shop for computer repair near me also vowed to do everything in their power to fix the computer if it ever broke again.  Afterwards, several computer technicians took the mom to a local coffee shop and treated her to a warm cup of coffee.  Furthermore, they all made sure that she made it home ok and asked her to call them if she ever needed anything. 

Computer Repair Near Me

Looking for computer repair in Colorado Springs CO?  DML Computer Repair is one of the best shops for computer repair in Colorado Springs CO.  They offer rush computer services, awesome customer service, and competent computer technicians.  Call or visit today for your free computer evaluation.

Author Information

De Landres

DML Computer Repair Technician | Data Recovery Expert | Software Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote:  “Google is your friend, not food”. ~De