Computer Repair Near Me

A Story About Computer Repair Near Me



This is a story about computer repair near me.


Once Upon a Time… at Computer Repair Near Me

Once upon a time, at a shop for computer repair near me, there was a client.  Unlike most clients, this client had a dark secret.  In fact, the secret was so great that they tried their best to hide it from computer technicians.  If anybody found out this secret, then the client would be in great trouble.  During our first meeting, the client tried their very best to cover up their secret, and lied to us in the process.


A Broken Computer at Computer Repair Near Me

To understand the nature of this secret, first you should understand the computer’s problem.  First of all, the computer was a laptop computer that appeared to be less than a month old.  Second, the login was locked with a password that the client claimed to have forgotten.  Third, every locked screen displays a username, which the client did not know.  Finally, the mousepad appeared to be nonfunctional, for no apparent reason.  As a matter of fact, the client claimed that they had no idea how the mousepad got broken.  They only said, “one day it suddenly stopped working.”  They brought it to us because they need computer repair services.


A Concerning Login Screen at Computer Repair Near Me

In most cases, a computer is set up by an individual, their friends or family.  With this in mind, it’s common for people to type in their username with a name that is familiar to them.  However, when an individual brings a computer and doesn’t know the username that is used to login, it’s concerning.  Of course, some people never notice the login name and may not remember it.  However, they may still recognize it when they see it.  In this case, the client didn’t know or recognize the username for their computer.  Furthermore, this computer was protected with a Microsoft account which is an email address.  The client didn’t recognize the email address and couldn’t recover the password through the password recovery feature of the Microsoft account.


Forgotten Passwords at Computer Repair Near Me

When you create a Microsoft account for your computer’s login, it’s very important to create a password that you will remember.  In this case, the client didn’t recognize the username or remember the password for the computer.  At DML Computer Repair it is very important that we do not delete computer data from a computer that might be stolen.  In fact, it’s a huge red flag when someone doesn’t know their username or password.  In this day and age of technology, people understand the importance of usernames and passwords.  Additionally, most people keep a log of their usernames and passwords as backups (in case they get locked out).  It is very suspicious when someone doesn’t have this information written down somewhere.


A Broken Touchpad at Computer Repair Near Me

It is very rare to find a broken touchpad on a computer that is less than 3 months old.  Even more rare, is when a client doesn’t know how or when it broke.  On a hunch, I opened the computer and checked the touchpad ribbon, it was intact.  However, it looked as if it had been disconnected.  When I asked the client if he knew about this, he seemed confused and said he didn’t do that.  I reconnected the touchpad and it appeared to be working just fine.  Unfortunately, now I was presented with a dilemma.  I had a client that wasn’t being completely forthcoming about the laptop.  It was highly unlikely that they didn’t know the username, the password, and that someone had disabled their touchpad.  What was I to do?


The List at Computer Repair Near Me

At DML Computer Repair we keep a list of serial numbers for computers that have been reported stolen to our shop.  If a client calls us that their laptop has been stolen, then we add the serial number to our list.  In addition, we have people that call us who are not clients, that provide us with the serial number of a stolen or lost laptop.  In most cases, there’s not much we can do because we don’t buy laptops or desktops anymore.  Instead, we compare those serial numbers against suspicious repairs such as deleting a password or wiping out data.  Comparing Serials numbers from our list showed that this laptop had been reported stolen a week ago.


More About the List at Computer Repair Near Me

When we get a positive hit for a stolen laptop in our shop, we follow proper reporting procedure.  First, we contact the person who reported the theft to inform them that we may have found their laptop.  Second, we request proof of ownership from both parties because most owners keep paperwork.  Third, we contact the police and let them know that we are in possession of a stolen laptop.  Furthermore, we provide the contact information for both parties and any receipts that have been provided to us.  We also provide a list of services that the person in possession of the computer was requesting.  For example, in this case, we stated that this person was looking to bypass the password and was not familiar with the username or touchpad issue. 


The Importance of the Touchpad at Computer Repair Near Me

The disconnected touchpad proved to be important because the person who brought in the computer didn’t even know that it wasn’t working.  In fact, they said that it “might be broken”.  Unfortunately for them, the real owners of the computer did know about the touchpad.  They prefer to use an external mouse, so they had the touchpad disconnected by a technician last month.  There was a trail of paperwork showing that this had been done.


The Police and Computer Repair Near Me

It is extremely difficult to catch thieves of stolen technology.  The police have their hands full with dozens of reports per day.  In this case, it took the vigilance of a computer repair shop and the due diligence of the local police department.


Computer Repair Near Me

What is the best shop for computer repair Colorado Springs CO?  DML Computer Repair has the best computer repair near me.  They offer computer repair Colorado Springs CO, the best computer technicians, rush services, and fast computer diagnosis.  Do you need a computer repair near me?  No problem!  Call or visit today for your free computer diagnosis.


Author Information for Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO

Computer Repair Technician

De Landres

DML Computer Repair Technician | Data Recovery Expert | Software Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote:  “Google is your friend, not food”. ~De