Computer Repair Colorado Springs CO

The Decline of Computer Repair in Colorado Springs CO

I wish I could say that it was just me, and computer repair in Colorado Springs, CO isn’t declining.  In fact, this decline has been slowly progressing over the previous decade.  Customer service isn’t what it once was, and computer technicians are but a shadow of themselves.  In addition, computer parts, repair prices and promises made by computer repair shops are subpar.

Customer Service and Computer Repair in Colorado Springs CO

I miss the days when you could walk into a computer repair shop near me, and you were greeted with smiles and an eagerness to be helped.  Today, you’re lucky if you walk into a computer repair shop and are acknowledged at all.  As a matter of fact, if you don’t actively seek the assistance of the technicians, most of the time they ignore you.  It’s extremely sad to watch.  Furthermore, even when acknowledged, it’s almost like they are doing you a favor by helping you; rather, than you are doing them a favor by choosing their shop.  It’s almost like nobody cares that the customer can walk out at any time and go somewhere else.  Why worry?  There are dozens of clients where that one came from?  It’s a completely warped way of viewing customer service.  In some cases, you’ll even get a rude answer if you call over the phone with questions. I stopped calling for advice over the phone many years ago, when I realized that most workers are ruder over the phone.  At least seeing you face to face they have to really have courage to mistreat you in person.  Over the phone, they can hang up in the middle of the conversation and say that “they were cut off”. One of the things I like about DML Computer Repair is that their customer service is always 100% perfect ALL THE TIME.  They train their employees to be patient and never rude when dealing with clients.  If only all shops for computer repair in Colorado CO were this way!

Computer Technicians and Computer Repair in Colorado Springs CO

I find that computer repair technicians at little “mom and pop” shops tend to be better at customer service.  In fact, they also seem to be more patient with clients and calmer when explaining problems.  This is due largely to the fact that smaller shops NEED each and every client that walks in through the door.  Furthermore, these smaller computer repair shops can’t afford to pay for advertising, so they don’t “pay” for their customers.  As a matter of fact, most of these smaller shops get all their clients the old-fashioned way, word of mouth.  If their clients are happy, then they will refer more potential clients.  This is how they make most of their money.  I’d also like to say that I don’t understand how the larger business owners don’t train their employees to have a “mom and pop” shop feel to it.  Wouldn’t this increase revenue and therefore increase the bottom line?  Apparently, as long as a large percentage of the revenue is there, they don’t care if they lose a large percentage of clients from bad customer service.

Computer Components and Computer Repair in Colorado Springs CO

It would be completely unfair for me to judge shops for computer repair in Colorado Springs CO based on the availability of their computer components.  In fact, many of the smaller “mom and pop” computer services shops don’t have computer parts readily available to them.  No, they need to order those parts across state lines or sometimes even from other countries.  Should you stop doing business with mom-and-pop shops because they can’t easily get parts?  NO!  These small computer shops are the heart and soul of the industry.  Even if you need to wait a little bit for your computer repair, be patient with the small computer shops.  On the other hand, a big box store has easily available computer parts and can expedite shipping at no additional cost to you.  If any computer repair shop (big or small) is consistently postponing or “losing” computer parts in the mail, then I would ask myself if they are still worth doing business with.  It’s just bad business to constantly lose computer parts.

Repair Times and Computer Repair in Colorado Springs CO

You need to be careful in judging a computer repair shop by their repair time.  Sometimes, it can take weeks to get a part for your computer, just to do a simple repair.  What would take so long?  It would take a few weeks, sometimes months to get a part shipped from another country.  Particularly, those countries that are across oceans.  In most cases, shops for computer repair in Colorado Springs CO don’t want to keep your computer any longer than they must.  In fact, they bend over backwards to make sure that your computer is finished in a reasonable amount of time.  At DML Computer Repair, most computer repairs are completed within a few hours, unless parts are required.  If parts are required, then it could take up to 10 business days.  This is a reasonable amount of time. For the most part, this is also true of other computer repair shops.  They only want to keep your computer long enough to repair it.  If your computer is taking a long time to repair, then call the shop and ask them “why”.  I’m sure they will have a reasonable explanation.

Rising Cost of Computer Repair in Colorado Springs CO

The cost of computer repair in Colorado Springs CO has almost doubled in the previous 5 years.  This is due largely to the high demand for computer repair that was created during the COVID pandemic.  Computer repair shops struggled to meet the demand for computer repair from the public.  In fact, they had to hire more computer technicians and stay open for longer hours.  This created a price increase for almost all types of computer repair, except data recovery.  As a matter of fact, data recovery has always been expensive.  If those prices had increased, then they would be out of business, since most people already have trouble affording data recovery.  Fortunately, it seems that computer repair prices have met a plateau and they are no longer increasing.  Furthermore, the prices are steadily decreasing over the previous year, due to a slight decrease in computer part prices.

Promises Made at Shops for Computer Repair in Colorado Springs CO

When a computer repair shop makes promises, you should definitely hold them to it!  If you are given a time frame for a computer repair, then the computer shop who gave it should be held accountable for it.  In fact, most computer repair shops are afraid to commit to a date of repair because so many things can go wrong.  As mentioned earlier, the biggest issue with timeframes is shipping delays.  As a matter of fact, shipping delays occur more frequently than not and can wreak havoc on computer repair time frames.  If your computer shop is being honest about a shipping delay, it’s ok to give them more time to complete the repair.  Additionally, it’s in poor taste to blame a computer repair shop for incompetence when the issue is a simple shipping problem.  This is especially true because shipping issues are typically completely out of their control.

Computer Repair in Colorado Springs CO

Looking for computer repair in Colorado Springs CO?  Look no further!  DML Computer Repair is considered the best computer repair in Colorado Springs.  They offer extensive warranties for their computer repairs and provide excellent customer service.  In fact, once you visit them, you won’t want to do business with anyone else.  DML Computer Repair offers affordable prices, rush services and knowledgeable computer technicians.  Visit them today for your free computer diagnostic.

Author Information

Dominic Garza

Computer Repair Technician | Gaming PC Expert | PC Articles Author

Author Quote: “Resident Evil is my all-time favorite”. ~Dom